Make a secure gift today, and you will help local families to become first-time homebuyers. With your support, we can transform our community into a place where all feel they belong. Give today!
Ways to Give
Make a secure online donation
Donate to the ReStore
Sustained Giving
Monthly donations, of any amount, ensure Habitat receives consistent, long-term support. Consider setting up recurring donations when making your online payment.
Gifts of Stock
Gifts of appreciated stock help build more homes for hardworking local families in your community. The IRS allows a charitable tax deduction for the full market value of the appreciated security.
The benefits of gifting appreciated stock:
- The satisfaction of knowing your money is invested in a cause important to you.
- Capital gains taxes on the stock are avoided.
- You will be eligible to receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair-market-value of the stock at the time of the gift.
Please provide the following stock gift instructions to your broker or financial advisor.
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Ameriprise Account Number: 2743 1784
Designation: Habitat for Humanity of the Greater La Crosse Region
Advisor: Bryan Tornow
Email: [email protected]
O: 608.796.0929 x 1005 | F: 608.782.5197 | M: 608.385.1659
Tax ID: 39-1706999
Planned Giving
Help shape our future. When you make a planned gift to Habitat of the Greater La Crosse Region in your estate or long-term financial plans, you help ensure that we'll be here—committed to safe and affordable homeownership—for many years to come.
You can include us in your estate planning with a cash bequest of a specified amount, as a recipient of all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after the payment of any cash bequests and all estate-related expenses, or as a beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA, Keogh, tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension, or profit-sharing plan.
With all charitable gifts, it is important to consult with your attorney or financial advisor to ensure that you comply with state laws, receive maximum tax benefits, and that your wishes are accurately reflected in necessary legal documents. Your planned gift to Habitat will create a lasting impact through the safety and stability of affordable homeownership.
Once you have made your legacy gift, please let us know. We would like the opportunity to thank you personally.
In-kind Giving
Donations of building materials, equipment, and professional labor are vital to Habitat’s ability to keep the cost of our homes as low as possible. Area businesses partner with Habitat by donating tax deductible building materials, labor, or cash donations.
Give by Mail or Phone
Would you prefer to make your contribution offline? Make your tax-deductible check payable to Habitat for Humanity of the Greater La Crosse Region, and mail it to:
Habitat for Humanity of the Greater La Crosse Region
3181 Berlin Drive
La Crosse, WI 54601
To donate by phone or wish to speak to someone about your donation, please call our Executive Director at 608-785-2373 ext 105
Vehicle Donation
You can donate an old vehicle, boat, RV, or motorcycle—running or not—to Habitat for Humanity of the Greater La Crosse Region to help support local families. The donation process is quick and easy, and it's just one more way you can support our work. Plus, your donation may be tax deductible. When you donate a car, truck, boat or RV through Habitat’s Cars for Homes™ program, Habitat of the Greater La Crosse Region receives 100% of the net proceeds of your vehicle donation to help families build and renovate decent, affordable homes right here in our local community.
The process is quick and easy through Habitat for Humanity's official vehicle donation program. You can accomplish it online at Cars for Homes or with a toll-free phone call to 1-877-277-4344. If you donate an automobile or other vehicle, you may be eligible for a tax deduction.
Workplace Giving
One of the easiest ways to support Habitat is through workplace giving. Some companies will even match your donation to increase the impact of your generosity.
Payroll Deductions
Many private employers, and federal, state, and local governments offer payroll deductions to employees. Payroll deduction is an employer-sponsored program that lets you support Habitat’s mission with a tax-deductible donation given directly from your paycheck. Payroll deduction is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to give, but there may be other options available.
Matching Gifts
Does your employer match charitable contributions made by employees? Many do! With a matching gift, your donation to Habitat might be doubled or even tripled in value. Gifts of stock are also eligible– just like any cash or credit card donation. This kind of employer match maximizes the impact you can have, making your donation go even further.
Ask your human resources department today about what opportunities you have for workplace giving.
Partner Family
“I took a chance to try and change my boys' life. They deserve to have a place to call their own, that will remain theirs. And most importantly a chance at feeling what it is like to just have a home. Something we all never thought we would experience.”