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Unveiling the magic of the ReStore’s Recycling Room

Ever wondered what happens to those items that don't quite make it to the shelves at the Habitat ReStore? Well, wonder no more! Meet RJ and Ron, the dynamic duo of salvage and recycling. Together, they turn trash into treasure in the ReStore’s Recycling Room.

Armed with hand and power tools, RJ and Ron meticulously take apart items like faucets, lamps, and more. Every piece is precious, and they're on a mission to salvage copper, brass, aluminum, and anything else that they can repurpose or recycle.

But here's the most exciting part: every bit of metal they salvage translates into real impact. We sell these salvaged materials, we earn almost $1,000 each month. Every penny directly fuels Habitat's mission of creating affordable housing for families in our community. So, it's not just about recycling; it's about making a tangible difference in people's lives.


RJ and Ron aren't just recycling enthusiasts; they’re a committed team who spend hours keeping materials out of the landfill and earning income for Habitat’s mission. We are so honored and grateful to have them as part of our ReStore and Habitat family.

So, next time you visit the ReStore, take a moment to appreciate the magic happening behind the scenes in the Recycling Room. It's a testament to the power of passion and purpose of our core volunteers to make the world a better place.

Partner Family

Darshida has been working to become a homeowner for years. She is a passionate nurse, a dedicated mother to four boys, and a longtime La Crosse resident. After years of hard work and unforeseen obstacles, Darshida and her family moved into their new home in spring 2023.

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